July 18, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 18, 2022Categories Corporate LawNew Rules for Electronic CommerceWith the amendments made on 7 July 2022 on the Law on Regulation of Electronic Commerce, new regulations were introduced.
July 18, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 18, 2022Categories Corporate LawElektronik Ticarette Yeni KurallarElektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun’da 7 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde yapılan değişikliklerle yeni düzenlemeler getirildi.
July 8, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 8, 2022Categories Banking and Finance LawIFC LAW IS PUBLISHEDIstanbul Finance Center Law (“IFC Law”) entered into force on 22.06.2022.
July 18, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 18, 2022Categories Corporate LawNew Rules for Electronic CommerceWith the amendments made on 7 July 2022 on the Law on Regulation of Electronic Commerce, new regulations were introduced.
July 18, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 18, 2022Categories Corporate LawElektronik Ticarette Yeni KurallarElektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun’da 7 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde yapılan değişikliklerle yeni düzenlemeler getirildi.
July 8, 2022Published by Senem Gölge Yalçın on July 8, 2022Categories Banking and Finance LawIFC LAW IS PUBLISHEDIstanbul Finance Center Law (“IFC Law”) entered into force on 22.06.2022.