Bilindiği üzere 16.06.2020 tarihli ve 7246 sayılı Kanun’la 4054 sayılı Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un (“Kanun”) 43. maddesinin beşinci fıkrasına getirilen..
The mechanism of reconciliation was introduced to competition law with the amendment made to the fifth paragraph of Article 43 of the Competition Protection Law numbered 4054..
Bilindiği üzere 16.06.2020 tarihli ve 7246 sayılı Kanun’la 4054 sayılı Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un (“Kanun”) 43. maddesinin beşinci fıkrasına getirilen..
The mechanism of reconciliation was introduced to competition law with the amendment made to the fifth paragraph of Article 43 of the Competition Protection Law numbered 4054..