Proprietary trading (“prop trading”) is where a firm invests its own funds for profit rather than using a client’s money. The primary aim of prop trading is profit rather than earning commission from processing trades.
Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun (“Kurul”) 21.11.2024 tarih ve 60/1696 sayılı kararı ile Yatırım Fonlarına İlişkin Rehber’de (“Fon Rehberi”) bazı değişiklikler yapılmıştır.
With the decision of the Capital Markets Board ("Board") dated November 21, 2024, and numbered 60/1696, certain amendments have been made to the Guide on Investment Funds (the "Fund Guide").
Proprietary trading (“prop trading”) is where a firm invests its own funds for profit rather than using a client’s money. The primary aim of prop trading is profit rather than earning commission from processing trades.
Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun (“Kurul”) 21.11.2024 tarih ve 60/1696 sayılı kararı ile Yatırım Fonlarına İlişkin Rehber’de (“Fon Rehberi”) bazı değişiklikler yapılmıştır.
With the decision of the Capital Markets Board ("Board") dated November 21, 2024, and numbered 60/1696, certain amendments have been made to the Guide on Investment Funds (the "Fund Guide").