July 1, 2021
Mandatory Tenders Offers
On 1 February 2021, the Capital Market Board made an announcement with respect to the proposed amendments to the Communiqué on Tender Offers No. II-26.1 (“Communiqué No. II-26.1”) and published the draft of the Communiqué Regarding the Amendments to the Communiqué on Tender Offers No. II-26.1 (“Draft Amendment to the Communiqué No. II-26.1”) on its official website.
July 1, 2021

Mandatory Tenders Offers

On 1 February 2021, the Capital Market Board made an announcement with respect to the proposed amendments to the Communiqué on Tender Offers No. II-26.1 (“Communiqué No. II-26.1”) and published the draft of the Communiqué Regarding the Amendments to the Communiqué on Tender Offers No. II-26.1 (“Draft Amendment to the Communiqué No. II-26.1”) on its official website.
The List of Attendees for Bearer Shares in Joint Stock Company General Assemblies Will Now Be Obtained from CRA
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