Türkiye’nin İsrail’e Uyguladığı Yaptırımın Özeti: Belirsizlik
June 3, 20242024/7 Sayılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Genelgesi
June 3, 2024
The Republic of Türkiye banned the export of 54 product groups (determined according to the possibility of being used for military purposes) to Israel with a declaration published on the website of the Ministry of Trade (“Ministry“) on April 9, 2024, as a first stage of sanctions due to Israel’s failure to comply with the binding decisions of the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice. It was stated that the requirements of this decision will be executed effective immediately.
In addition, in the days following the said declaration, the Ministry announced that the trade ban started on April 9, 2024, at 09.00 a.m. and that the 1019 products were not registered at customs in any way, and that the transfer of 1019 products in 54 product groups in question, to Israel by any measure including, through bonded warehouses, free zones and temporary storage places, as well as transit trade to Israel, were included in the scope of this restriction.
Finally, on May 2, 2024, the Republic of Türkiye announced in a press release that they extended the trade ban on Israel to an exportation and importation restriction covering all products.
The sanctions for non-compliance with these sanctions are not yet specified, but it has been reported that in practice, no products coming from Israel or destined for Israel are processed at Turkish customs. The penalties for and requirements arising from the non-compliance are expected to be announced in the coming days.